High quality Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education is critically important for Australia’s current and future productivity.
Teacher professional learning in STEM education is a core initiative of the STEM Industry School Partnerships (SISP) program. Professional learning is a major enabler to ensure that the program facilitates improved quality and quantity of STEM instruction in NSW public schools.
The STEM Industry School Partnerships (SISP) program coordinates extensive STEM professional learning opportunities facilitated out of the Academies of STEM Excellence via online platforms and special events.
Spotlight on Equity and Excellence in STEM: Delve deep into the heart of STEM with a special focus on Technology and Engineering.
STEM 2024 is not just another STEM conference; it is a two-day extravaganza dedicated to the marvels of STEM and Education, set against the scenic backdrop of the Rydges Resort in Hunter Valley.
Thursday, 5th September & Friday, 6th September 2024.
An initiative of the NSW Department of Education, STEM on-demand showcases the resources produced from the annual STEM conferences.
The STEM 2023 event focused on Mathematics and its role in empowering STEM learning in the classroom. A collection of keynotes, workshops, and deep dives on all STEM subjects from K–12 is now available to access!
For more information visit STEM 2023 (nsw.gov.au)
Teach Meets
STEM Project Officers from our Academies regularly organise face to face and virtual STEM Teach Meets in their local area.
Tinker Time
Organised play time for teachers to learn about new and exciting STEM based classroom equipment and materials. Many STEM Project Officers along with T4L staff run these events regularly.
The Secondary STEM statewide staffroom provides up to date information about STEM curriculum developments. Note NSW Department of Education schools only.