The Hastings Academy of STEM Excellence (HASE), located in Port Macquarie at Hastings Secondary College, on the Traditional Lands of the Birpai People. Since its establishment HASE has collaborated with local industries and educational institutions to enhance STEM learning within the community.
Hastings region's primary industries are construction, tourism, health care, and education. With nine partner schools, HASE strives to inspire and equip the next generation of STEM professionals, ensuring a bright future through innovative education and industry collaboration. Demonstrating its commitment to strong partnerships, HASE collaborates with Charles Sturt University to provide students with practical experiences and mentorship, fostering STEM career pathways.
Programs and partnerships include:
Stage 1-3 STEM Enrichment Program - Focused on engaging primary school students in the Hastings Valley network with early experiences and learning in STEM.
Stage 3-4: FIRST LEGO League Challenge – HASE hosts regional tournaments, bringing together 44 teams from across NSW to engage in robotics competitions that address global challenges.
Stage 4-6: First Robotics Competition– Students, teachers and community mentors work together to design and build a robot to compete in national robotics competitions.
Stage 4-6: Girls in STEM - An initiative designed by Stage 6 female students in collaboration with staff during 2024. A weekly STEM workshop with the intention of increasing female exposure and participation in STEM education and careers.
Achievements and grants
- Won consecutive national championships at The Lego League competitions. Most recently the team has been invited to compete on the world stage in Brazil 2024 and Houston, April 2025.
- Won the Southern Cross Regional competition and numerous Melbourne robotics competitions.
- Won the regional tournament of the minds and Hastings Minecraft competition.
- Science Engagement and International Competitions.
- The Supporting Young Scientists Equity and Access Program (SYSEAP).
- Hastings community grant.
- Port Macquarie Rotary Club Grant.